Summit NATO 2024

Speciální příloha
k summitu ve Washingtonu

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  • Informační centrum o NATO

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    Time for NATO to talk about China

    Čína (ilustrační foto)

    As NATO allies prepare to gather in Washington on April 4 to celebrate the alliance’s seventieth...

    Cracks in the Transatlantic family show in Munich

    Mnichovská bezpečnostní konference 2018

    Europeans seem not to understand that power is shifting away from them. Several European leaders...

    Europe's immense security challenges in the age of Trump

    Americký prezident Donald Trump a šéf NATO Jens Stoltenberg na summitu Aliance...

    The trans-Atlantic alliance has been significantly weakened, forcing Europe to build up its own...

    The US-EU crisis, NATO and Greece

    Americký prezident Donald Trump a šéf NATO Jens Stoltenberg při otevření nové...

    The Euro-Atlantic family is going through one of the worst crises in its history, as its unity is...

    Can NATO survive two more years of Donald Trump?

    Americký prezident Donald Trump s generálním tajemníkem NATO Jensem...

    Trump’s low regard for NATO has been publicly manifest in his incessant comments castigating Allies...

    The world still needs NATO

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu

    In April, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will celebrate its 70th birthday. Founded in the...

    NATO at 70 — not a time to retire

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu

    When we celebrate NATO’s 70th anniversary in 2019, we will not be celebrating an outdated...

    Is nuclear disarmament set to self-destruct?

    Záběr zničení balistické střely antiraketou

    The Americans say they have powerful evidence that, over several years, Russia has developed and...

    NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 exercise: political theatre with a purpose

    Formace 24 plavidel NATO na závěr cvičení Trident Juncture v Norsku

    Jack Watling, RUSI (United Kingdom) NATO has concluded its largest live exercise since the...

    NATO is in the middle of an expensive and dangerous military exercise. Here’s why those war games are worth it

    Tanky Leopard 2 a obrněná vozidla Marder německé armády v přístavu Fredrikstad...

    Over 50,000 troops, hundreds of aircraft and dozens of warships under his command are spread out...

    Exercise Trident Juncture is a response to Russian aggression

    NATO - Rusko.

    The goal of the drills isn’t simply tactical. Although Alliance officials have stopped short of...

    Trump is right to withdraw from that nuclear treaty

    Americký prezident Donald Trump.

    The INF treaty was supposed to eliminate all missiles with a range of about 300 to 3,500 miles....

    Renegotiate the INF agreement, don't withdraw!

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin.

    US President Donald Trump wants to withdraw from the 1987 INF treaty, saying Russia has violated it...

    Why Belgium's pick of its next fighter is pivotal for Europe's future security

    Letoun F-35 pro norské vzdušné síly před přeletem z Texasu do Norska

    Much has changed in the Low Countries during the intervening millennium, but the need of allies to...

    Why Finland and Sweden still flirt with joining NATO

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu

    Throughout the Cold War, Finland and Sweden maintained neutrality to avoid the crosshairs of...

    NATO’s purpose is to ensure we don’t have to defend Montenegro

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.

    There is a reason Putin despises the NATO alliance so much — and has fought to prevent further...

    A Russian attack on Montenegro could mean the end of NATO

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin

    Russia is not as powerful as it was in the Soviet era but, thanks to President Vladimir Putin’s...

    5 things about NATO people too often misunderstand

    Americký prezident Donald Trump a šéf NATO Jens Stoltenberg při otevření nové...

    Of all the goofy things that Donald Trump has done as president, nothing ignites the outrage of the...

    The NATO summit proves Europe doesn't get Trump – or the US

    Vlajky Severoatlantické aliance a Evropské unie.

    Trump is certainly a different political leader and US president. His style is unique, but he...

    Ban NATO summits

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.

    After watching this NATO summit unfold here in Brussels, we think it’s worth considering whether...

    Trump Fumed, but NATO Members Got What They Wanted

    Generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg na začátku summitu NATO 2018 v Bruselu.

    U.S. President Donald Trump did just about everything he could to spoil the NATO summit in Brussels...

    NATO-Gipfel kehrt zur Normalität zurück

    Americký prezident Donald Trump.

    Nach dem ersten Tag des NATO-Gipfels in Brüssel war klar: Es gab Streit, aber kein totales...

    Two foundations for a successful NATO summit

    Summit NATO v Bruselu 2018.

    Ensuring a successful NATO summit requires getting the fundamentals right. Namely, NATO should...

    NATO–Russia Council: What are the outcomes?

    NATO - Rusko.

    The principal outcome of the NATO–Russia Council (NRC) held on May 31, 2018 is that it actually...

    Trump vs NATO: the trade war is becoming a security crisis

    Americký prezident Donald Trump a šéf NATO Jens Stoltenberg při otevření nové...

    The future of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation looks shakier now than perhaps at any time...

    Winning on NATO

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu

    We noted earlier this week that one of President Trump’s less appreciated foreign-policy successes...

    As Germany prepares for NATO crisis-response role, its military readiness is ‘abysmal’

    Tank Leopard německé armády

    Germany’s military is virtually undeployable and security experts say it is too weak to meet its...

    Putin Is playing with fire and we all may get burned

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin

    When the U.S., U.K. and France launched airstrikes against Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons...

    RIP the trans-Atlantic alliance, 1945-2018

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu

    The Atlantic alliance, built to contain the Soviet Union in the aftermath of World War II, began to...

    Understanding Russian Propaganda in Eastern Europe

    Vizualizace sítě a projení ruskojazyčných twitterových účtů na základě blízké...

    In addition to employing a state-funded multilingual television network, operating various...

    Absent at Munich: Placing cybersecurity on the main stage of geopolitics

    Mnichovská bezpečnostní konference 2018

    Every year, the Munich Security Conference brings together heads of state, leaders of multinational...

    Putin’s nuclear-tipped hybrid war on the West

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin

    This month marks the fourth anniversary of Russia’s March 2014 annexation of Crimea, an event that...

    Pentagon budget increase will lead to a 'major economic disaster,' says retired US Army officer

    Americký bombardér B-2 přistává na základně v britském Fairfordu

    The budget deal that skyrockets Pentagon and domestic spending by at least $320 billion is laying...

    New ‘hybrid’ plots revealed in Russian anti-Western policy

    Ruský ministr zahraničí Sergej Lavrov.

    The central theme of the traditional Munich Security Conference last weekend was the current...

    Moldova’s cooperation with NATO - strategic choice or political tactic?

    Moldavský premiér Pavel Filip při návštěvě sídla NATO s generálním tajemníkem...

    The Moldovan Ministry of Defense is hoping to soon begin the second phase of the NATO’s Defense...

    The tragic truth about America's longest war

    Letecká základna NATO v Kandaháru (ilustrační foto)

    The Taliban bombing in Kabul last Saturday that killed more than a hundred people could have...

    Informační centrum o NATO

    Barista i záchranář u kanónu

    Říjen 2019

    Poprvé v historii nechala armáda záložáky pálit z kanónů ostrými

    Dny NATO v Ostravě

    Září 2019

    Dny NATO navštívilo 220 tisíc lidí, ukázaly i nové vrtulníky pro armádu.

    Továrna na instruktory

    Červenec 2019

    Britský poradní tým s pomocí Čechů vyškolil už přes 9 500 vojenských instruktorů.

    Mraky prachu, vedro a léčky

    Červen 2019

    Jak vypadá příprava českých vojáků na misi v africkém Mali.

    Partneři portálu

    NATO PDD Newton Media