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  • Informační centrum o NATO

  • Zde přinášíme odkazy na vybrané komentáře ze zahraničních médií

    Europe’s chance to secure peace in Ukraine

    Zničená ruská technika u Vuhledaru

    A coalition of willing NATO allies could physically step in to help secure a future demarcation...

    Why South Korea should go nuclear

    Severokorejské balistické rakety na vojenské přehlídce (ilustrační foto)
    3. ledna 2025

    South Korea has long relied on the United States to keep the North Korean nuclear threat at bay....

    The unlikelihood of an Asian NATO

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.
    11. prosince 2024

    While security in the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions seem to be growing increasingly...

    Moscow reaches out to new Syrian leadership in move to secure bases

    Sýrie (ilustrační foto)
    10. prosince 2024

    After the collapse of Assad, the Kremlin’s staunchest ally in the Middle East who has fled to...

    Too little, too late

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu
    9. prosince 2024

    What we fail to realise is that Putin has already won the most important battle. He has tested the...

    Mark Rutte: North Korean troops in Europe marks turning point

    Generální tajemník Severoatlantické aliance Mark Rutte
    7. listopadu 2024

    So far, our support has kept Ukraine in the fight. But we need to do much more in order to shift...

    If Trump wins the election, NATO can expect more turbulence ahead

    Donald Trump
    30. října 2024

    Politeness and convention dictate that European leaders try to sound noncommittal when asked...

    Conscription is breaking Ukraine

    Ofenziva ukrajinské armády
    29. října 2024

    In Ukraine today, no topic is more barbed than that of compulsory military service. Few want to...

    Security and defense will have to rest more on Europe — and less on the US

    Summit NATO ve Washingtonu. Slavnostní ceremonie k 75. výročí vzniku Aliance v...
    23. července 2024

    After decades of underinvestment and spending cuts to NATO, there remains much more to be done. But...

    Starmer heads for first Nato summit stressing continued Ukraine support

    Britský premiér Keir Starmer telefonicky hovoří s prezidentem USA Joem Bidenem.
    8. července 2024

    Keir Starmer flies out this week to a turbulent Washington DC for a Nato summit aiming to emphasise...

    NATO cannot survive without America

    Americký prezident Donald Trump.
    16. května 2024

    Last month, NATO, the world’s most successful military alliance, celebrated its 75th anniversary....

    What Sweden Adds to NATO’s Military Arsenal

    Švédské ozbrojené síly
    29. února 2024

    Through decades of official foreign policy neutrality—though with close NATO cooperation and...

    Estonian president: NATO and EU can’t carry on like it’s peacetime

    Estonský prezident Alar Karis (11. ledna 2024)
    21. února 2024

    A billboard recently erected in Ivangorod, just across Estonia’s border with Russia, reads:...

    What’s old is new again: How to boost NATO’s air defenses in Europe

    Střela patriot na alianční protiraketové instalaci (NATO Missile Firing
    28. prosince 2023

    Under the impression of Russia’s missile war against Ukraine, NATO leaders are wrestling once again...

    How three Boston women are helping NATO scout for defense startups

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu
    11. prosince 2023

    About five years ago, the North American Treaty Organization decided it needed a new mechanism to...

    NATO has its sights set on Asia

    Generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg s japonským premiérem Fumiem Kišidou.
    2. srpna 2023

    Among those who convened this month in Vilnius, Lithuania, for the yearly NATO summit were the...

    Nato must support Ukraine with clearer road map to membership

    Ukrajinský prezident Vodolymyr Zelenskyj s britským premiérem Sunakem na...
    19. července 2023

    Last week’s Nato summit had three tasks: consolidate support for Ukraine; strengthen the alliance’s...

    Russia pushes Europe’s neutral states closer to NATO

    Společný let vlajkových letounů tygřích letek z Belgie (F-16), Švýcarska...
    19. července 2023

    Will Switzerland join Nato? This scenario still seems a long way off. Yet there has been much...

    For Moscow, that NATO summit must have been highly alarming

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin na snímku z 30. června 2023
    19. července 2023

    Seen from the perspective of the Kremlin, the NATO meeting can hardly have beencomforting — once...

    The potential for a NATO presence in Jordan

    Helikoptéra jordánské armády převáží zraněné pohraničníky do nemocnice v Ammánu...
    18. července 2023

    Recently, news has been circulating about the possibility of a NATO office being opened in Jordan,...

    From ‘brain death’ to innovator, the Ukraine war has transformed NATO

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu
    26. června 2023

    Ever since President Vladimir Putin gave the order for Russian troops to invade Ukraine, the...

    Nordic Air Force Takes Flight

    Letouny F-18 Hornet finských vzdušných sil
    22. června 2023

    With Sweden aiming to enter NATO around the time of the 31-nation alliance’s annual summit in...

    NATO vs. Canada, its nicest truant

    Kanadské letouny CF-188 v Pobaltí
    20. června 2023

    Canada is a committed, agreeable ally. So why, NATO countries are wondering, is it not getting up...

    South Korean industry arming NATO is a terrifying prospect for Russia

    Jihokorejský tank K2
    28. dubna 2023

    The K2’s introduction to Europe is a potential game changer for the balance of power on the ground,...

    Any perception that China doesn’t affect NATO is invalid

    Čínská ponorka (ilustrační foto)
    29. března 2023

    The United States’ most significant challenge in the 21st century is the strategic rivalry with the...

    Russian Nuclear Weapons in Belarus: What’s NATO’s Response [4 SCENARIOS]

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin
    28. března 2023

    Rozmieszczenie na Białorusi rosyjskiej broni jądrowej wpłynie na sytuację bezpieczeństwa państw...

    Europe doesn’t need the United States to defend it anymore

    Americká obrněná brigáda dorazila do Evropy
    2. února 2023

    The U.S. government isn’t being disingenuous when it says it favors a strongEurope; it just fails...

    Nato’s weapons stockpiles need urgent replenishment

    Vlak s municí a zbraněmi na Ukrajinu (27. února 2022)
    2. února 2023

    Russia’s war against Ukraine has been a sobering wake-up call for western militaries. Three decades...

    Russia’s war in Ukraine backfired by uniting NATO, even as cracks emerged over nearly a year of fighting

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu
    2. února 2023

    The Ukraine war has brought NATO together in a way not seen in a long time, but it’s also exposed...

    NATO’s new secretary-general, same as the old one?

    Generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg.
    1. února 2023

    With war raging in Europe, the race to find NATO’s next chief is on. Jens Stoltenberg was a steady...

    Nato tjänar inte på att vi låter oss hunsas av Erdogan

    Turecký prezident Erdogan
    13. prosince 2022

    Inget Natoland tjänar på att Turkiets president tillåts utpressa försvarsalliansen eller...

    At arm’s length: NATO juggles conflicts from Ukraine to the Balkans

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu
    13. prosince 2022

    Without firing a shot, NATO is emerging as a winner from the Ukraine war as Russia’s invading force...

    NATO meeting will be heavy on symbolism, but not much else

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu
    1. prosince 2022

    As one NATO diplomat told me, there is no coincidence that a ministerial meeting is once again...

    Compared to Biden’s strategies, NATO’s strategic concept highlights transatlantic differences over China

    Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu
    15. listopadu 2022

    In comparison to NATO’s strategic concept, the recently unveiled US national security and defense...

    Putin wants the world to forget Ukraine

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin
    3. listopadu 2022

    It is important to dig through Putin’s quite direct and at times vulgar rhetoric to understand what...

    Russia’s military Keynesianism

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin
    27. října 2022

    We see something like military Keynesianism taking shape in Russia. Millions of Russians who are...

    Barista i záchranář u kanónu

    Říjen 2019

    Poprvé v historii nechala armáda záložáky pálit z kanónů ostrými

    Dny NATO v Ostravě

    Září 2019

    Dny NATO navštívilo 220 tisíc lidí, ukázaly i nové vrtulníky pro armádu.

    Továrna na instruktory

    Červenec 2019

    Britský poradní tým s pomocí Čechů vyškolil už přes 9 500 vojenských instruktorů.

    Mraky prachu, vedro a léčky

    Červen 2019

    Jak vypadá příprava českých vojáků na misi v africkém Mali.

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    NATO PDD Newton Media