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Znamená ruský útok na Ukrajinu kolaps jadrového odzbrojenia?

Ruský útok na Ukrajinu má ešte jednu dimenziu, o ktorej sa u nás málo diskutuje. Ide o vplyv...
NATO-Japan cooperation: A new opportunity for building bridges between US allies

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has focused renewed attention on Japan’s relationship with NATO. In...
U.S. Ambassador to NATO: New China strategy is a ‘big deal’

However one assesses Russia’s war in Ukraine and how it’s likely to end, one thing is clear: NATO...
Japan’s NATO outreach bears fruit

On June 29, Kishida Fumio became the first Japanese prime minister to attend a NATO summit. At the...
‘Asian NATO’ might temper Chinese activity

For NATO, most of whose members are European countries, to concern itself with the Asia-Pacific...
The accidental trumpification of NATO

In a narrow yet important sense, the world has become more Trumpian since he left office. The NATO...
NATO’s next Strategic Concept: Getting modern deterrence right

The next Concept will rightly reflect moves already underway towards increased defense expenditure,...
New Zealand getting too close to NATO

The invitation for Prime Minister Ardern to attend the Nato Leaders Summit might seem to be an...
The truth behind the myth of Russia ‘threatened’ by NATO

Facts give the lie to Russia’s claim to be defending itself against an expansionist NATO. Moscow...
Ukraine war underscores need for permanent Nato eastern defences

Before Russia’s renewed invasion of Ukraine in February, Nato spoke of a “tripwire” strategy, where...
NATO bez ograniczeń

Niemal równo ćwierć wieku temu, 25 maja 1997 r., w podpisanym przez Billa Clintona i Borysa Jelcyna...
Face it, NATO: The North Atlantic and Indo-Pacific are linked

It is understandable that Europeans are more focused on the immediate security threats posed by...
Russian propagandists feast on Turkey’s NATO ire

The rift between Turkey and the rest of NATO over Swedish and Finnish accession to the alliance is...
The West has a crucial ally in Qatar

An emergency in one region can also reveal the value of partners in another. Since last July’s...
Ukraine has Asia thinking about war

Even before the Russia-Ukraine war, experts had already observed that the military instruments of...
Ukraine response deepens Japan-Europe strategic ties

As Japan supports collective efforts to defeat Russian aggression in Europe, it is also investing...
Is Finnish and Swedish NATO membership useful for European security?

For Finland and Sweden, even if Russia emerges from the current war capable of mounting further...
Ukraine’s shift to a new NATO arsenal is unprecedented and inevitable

Defending your country is hard enough. Managing to defend yourself while shifting from...
I tried to put Russia on another path

The failure of Russian democracy, and its turn to revanchism, was not catalyzed in Brussels at NATO...
What if Putin is not looking to end this war?

The analytic consensus in the West is that Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine was a huge mistake...
Why NATO should worry about the Balkans
The ongoing war in Ukraine and the recent flare-ups in Nagorno-Karabakh, which is disputed between...
Is NATO finally in Finland’s future?

What line won’t the Kremlin cross? Nobody knows anymore, not even in a country like Finland, which...
Six things NATO can do to help Ukraine right now

A no-fly zone is highly escalatory yet unlikely to work. Thankfully, NATO has other options. Below...
No, Ukraine is not a NATO member – does it really matter?

The Alliance’s focus on the distinction between member and non-member states is undermining the...
Is the Russian Air Force Actually Incapable of Complex Air Operations?

More than a week into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Air Force has yet to commence...
Útok Ruska jako bod nula německé bezpečnostní politiky

Nyní už je zřejmé, že Putin podle všeho blafoval od samého začátku. Nejde však o to, jak mnozí...
The real reasons Putin feels threatened by NATO

Putin is correct when he says NATO is a danger to him, but not in the way you think. Putin knows...
This is Putin’s war. But America and NATO aren’t innocent bystanders.

The only place to be for understanding this war is inside Russian President Vladimir Putin’s head....
NATO or not, Finland is a valuable security contributor

Given Russia’s recent military build-up near Ukraine and the debate on Finland’s possible NATO...
Combat drones: We are in a new era of warfare - here’s why

The combat drone was once the preserve of military superpowers but no longer. Its use by insurgents...
How to deal with the Kremlin-created crisis in Europe

We believe the United States should, in closest consultation with its NATO allies and with Ukraine,...
What does future warfare look like? It's here already

The year 2021 has seen a fundamental shift in British defence and security policy. Up goes the...
Kremlin hopes Syria can be a future thorn in NATO's southern flank

The longer runway at Khmeimim airbase in Syria gives nuclear-capable bombers a place to land, and...
Prioritize NATO’s core task: collective defense

The NATO Parliamentary Assembly meets next week in Washington to discuss the alliance’s redraft of...
How Biden can save the peace in Bosnia

Perhaps at no stage since the Bosnian War ended in 1995 has there been so much talk about war...
US nuclear arms shift could raise risk of inadvertent conflict
As Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan declared in 1985, “a nuclear war cannot be won and must...
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