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    What if Putin is not looking to end this war?

    11. dubna 2022  9:42
    Carter Edwards, Strategic Policy (USA)
    The analytic consensus in the West is that Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine was a huge mistake which he must now regret. The attack has been a costly failure and Putin is now looking for an exit strategy. The latest evidence is Russia’s retreat from Kiev, with the suggestion of a shift to more limited war aims – the capture of Donbas. Whether this picture is correct or very wrong matters greatly. It will determine Western policy – based on perceptions on who is “winning” – and therefore how this war plays out. But more importantly, it bears on the long-range strategic decisions required of Western leaders as world stability teeters on the brink of chaos.  

    Zničený ruský tank T-72 v Makarivu poblíž Kyjeva | foto: @UAWeapons

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Carter Edwards / What if Putin is not looking to end this war? In: Strategic Policy, 3. 4. 2022.


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    Carter Edwards
    Strategic Policy (USA)

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