Summit NATO 2024

Speciální příloha
k summitu ve Washingtonu

  • Zpravodajství
  • Informační centrum o NATO

  • Zde přinášíme odkazy na vybrané komentáře ze zahraničních médií

    With nuclear weapons, we’re getting too comfortable thinking the unthinkable

    Zbraně hromadného ničení. Ilustrační foto.

    A dangerous disconnect is emerging between the horrific impacts of even the limited use of nuclear...

    Does the UK really need to increase its defence spending?

    Britský torpédoborec HMS Dragon sleduje ruskou válečnou loď Kulakov

    Chief of general staff Sir Nick Carter says a bigger budget is required to keep up with Russia....

    NATO next steps: Upgrade the role of finance ministers

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.

    While the member nations are preparing for the summit, the Trump administration should press its...

    Serbia balances between Russia and the West

    Šéf NATO Jens Stoltenberg se srbským premiérem Aleksandarem Vučičem

    As Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic meets with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, his...

    Trump's new strategy: Russia is an actual threat

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin na první schůzce se svým americkým protějškem...

    President Donald Trump rolled out his national security strategy, a key planning document that...

    Norway’s defense minister: The path to the next NATO summit

    Summit Severoatlantické aliance ve Varšavě

    NATO faces a deteriorating security environment that is both dynamic and complex. Threats present...

    Why Nato must defend women's rights

    Severoatlantická aliance

    All violence against women betrays the fundamental promise in the UN Charter of equal rights and...

    NATO doesn't need a European rival

    Vlajky Severoatlantické aliance a Evropské unie.

    A plan to create a non-NATO military bureaucracy would only play into Vladimir Putin's hands.

    Russia's winning the war for Turkish public's trust

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin a jeho turecký protějšek Recep Tayyip Erdogan

    The United States and Europe are on the verge of losing the Turkish public to Russia. Since...

    America’s love affair with uniformed men is problematic

    Americký vojenský instruktor v Iráku. (Ilustrační snímek)

    A poignant feature of American bases in Iraq were their walls of Thank You cards sent by American...

    NATO’s Eastern flank and its future relationship with Russia

    Vojenské manévry NATO v Estonsku

    Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its invasion of eastern Ukraine unified the North Atlantic Treaty...

    Importance Of NATO’s Incirlik airbase for Turkish-American and Israel relations

    Ilustrační foto. Vojenská letecká základna Incirlik v Turecku.

    Constructed in 1955 with US assistance, the facility was NATO’s most important “southest wing”...

    What is the logic behind Turkey’s S-400 deal with Russia?

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin a jeho turecký protějšek Recep Tayyip Erdogan

    Turkey, like any other country, has the right to consider its own security needs first. It is clear...

    Trump gets it right

    Provincie Núristán v Afghánistánu

    President Trump's affirmation of US engagement in Afghanistan reassured Germany and other NATO...

    Why didn't sanctions stop North Korea’s missile program?

    Severokorejské balistické rakety na vojenské přehlídce (ilustrační foto)

    North Korea’s long-range missile program has made significant technological advances in the past...

    Are America's overseas security commitments worth it?

    Americká letadlová loď USS Carl Vinson ve Východočínském moři v doprovodu...

    A growing debate has called into question the international security commitments of the United...

    US, NATO wait to see if Russia-Turkey defense deal goes through

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin a jeho turecký protějšek Recep Tayyip Erdogan

    Turkey’s plans to procure an advanced long-range air and missile defense system (LORAMIDS) has been...

    The week Donald Trump lost the South China Sea

    Čína (ilustrační foto)

    South China Sea, the most disputed waterway in the world. Hanoi has been looking to Washington for...

    Donald Trump’s Warsaw speech a revelation

    Donald Trump

    In Poland the President spoke eloquently about the strong links between the Polish people and...

    Thank Putin, not Trump, for NATO’s new defense spending boost

    Cvičení aliančních jednotek „Iron Wolf“ v Pobaltí

    One president is pushing NATO to get its act together on defense spending. But that president sits...

    NATO can fight terrorism and help refugees

    Migranti v gumovém členu u evropských břehů

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has now formally enlisted in the fight against Islamic...

    Get out of Incirlik!

    Turecký prezident Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    According to an old saying, hope is the last thing we lose. But did anyone seriously believe that...

    NATO allies can spend more money, more wisely

    Americký prezident Donald Trump s generálním tajemníkem NATO Jensem...

    If Donald Trump and Barack Obama agree on something, does that mean it’s true? In the case of...

    Abandonment of NATO can’t be walked back

    Americký prezident Donald Trump s generálním tajemníkem NATO Jensem...

    May 25, 2017, will be remembered in Europe as the date on which an American president deliberately...

    Russia’s goal of damaging NATO has failed

    Severoatlantická aliance

    European angst and American anger were on full display at this week’s NATO meeting of heads of...

    Is NATO getting too big to succeed?

    Centrála NATO v Bruselu

    NATO should not be in the business of extending territorial guarantees to countries that are deep...

    The message NATO needs to hear from Trump

    Donald Trump

    As President Donald Trump prepares to meet his counterparts for the first time at NATO headquarters...

    Brussels-bound Trump armed with demands for NATO

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.

    When President Donald Trump arrives at NATO headquarters on Thursday, allies will be under intense...

    A new transatlantic security bargain

    Severoatlantická aliance

    Given the history, it may be tempting to dismiss President Donald Trump’s on-and-off admonishments...

    5 reasons Trump should send more troops to Afghanistan

    Provincie Núristán v Afghánistánu

    As the Trump Administration wrestles with locations, numbers and missions for American combat...

    NATO frantically tries to Trump-proof President’s first visit

    Donald Trump

    On May 25, NATO will host the heads of state of all 28 member countries in what will be Trump’s...

    Russian intelligence is at (political) war

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin.

    It is inevitable and understandable that we rely on mirror-imaging when looking at Russia’s...

    Turkey’s role in Syria raises serious questions about Nato’s future

    Turecký prezident Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Despite recent Nato’s assurances to Trump that the military alliance will begin to reorient its...

    Why we need NATO - in a single bullet

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.

    An alliance, like any collaboration, doesn't work simply because its members agree on a course of...

    Déja vu: Why is Russia back in Afghanistan?

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin.

    Russia is revisiting one of the key Cold War proxy battlegrounds, Afghanistan, where 15,000 of its...

    Making Afghanistan great again

    Donald Trump

    President Donald Trump will soon have to decide what to do about Afghanistan. After weeks of...

    Informační centrum o NATO

    Barista i záchranář u kanónu

    Říjen 2019

    Poprvé v historii nechala armáda záložáky pálit z kanónů ostrými

    Dny NATO v Ostravě

    Září 2019

    Dny NATO navštívilo 220 tisíc lidí, ukázaly i nové vrtulníky pro armádu.

    Továrna na instruktory

    Červenec 2019

    Britský poradní tým s pomocí Čechů vyškolil už přes 9 500 vojenských instruktorů.

    Mraky prachu, vedro a léčky

    Červen 2019

    Jak vypadá příprava českých vojáků na misi v africkém Mali.

    Partneři portálu

    NATO PDD Newton Media