Summit NATO 2024

Speciální příloha
k summitu ve Washingtonu

  • Zpravodajství
  • Informační centrum o NATO

  • Zde přinášíme odkazy na vybrané komentáře ze zahraničních médií

    NATO and Russia playing dangerous game with military build-up

    Ruská armáda

    Despite the cold war atmospherics, there’s little prospect of Russian tanks rolling across the...

    The made-in-America global security and economic system still serves U.S. interests

    Američtí výsadkáři se v Polsku zapojí do společných manévrů. V zemi zůstanou...

    When the new president takes office next January, a world of troubles awaits. Violent extremism,...

    In the event of a conflict, Nato would face Russian forces re-equipped and re-trained by the Syrian conflict

    Ruské letouny v Sýrii

    Russia’s exercises involving huge numbers of its troops have been accompanied by intensive practice...

    NATO needs to spell out its intentions more clearly

    Konvoj americké armády během cesty „Dragoon Ride“ v Lotyšsku

    NATO is moving forward with its plans to set up multinational battalions in Poland and each of the...

    Budgetary fight in Moscow sends US-Russian relations into deep crisis

    Ruské bitevníky Su-25 na na letišti v syrském Hmeimimu

    The price of oil remains depressed at under $50 per barrel. The contracted Russian economy is still...

    Did a top secret threat assessment prompt Sweden to deploy troops to the Baltic island of Gotland?

    Ruská stíhačka Su-27 v blízkosti švédského letounu

    In a move that surprised casual observers, the Swedish Armed Forces announced on 14 September a...

    How Russia made NATO a party to the Ukraine conflict

    Ukrajinský premiér Arsenij Jaceňuk a generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg.

    One of Russia’s greatest successes in its information war over Ukraine has been its ability to...

    Some E.U. countries got rid of the draft years ago. Now, they’re thinking about bringing it back.

    Příprava na slavnostní vojenskou přísahu ve Vyškově. Po šestitýdenním výcviku...

    Military conscription has regularly emerged as an issue of public debate in the United States, but...

    A partnership between Russia and the West? Here's why it's not happening

    Vladimir Putin a Barack Obama před zasedáním skupiny G20 v Petrohradě.

    In a recent interview for Defense News TV, Russia defense analyst Ruslan Pukhov of Moscow offered...

    Turkey’s Shanghai complex

    Turecký premiér Ahmet Davutoglu

    It is barely a year since Turkish authorities came to understand that it would not be possible for...

    NATO can do more to destroy Islamic State — if we ask

    Francouzská letadlová loď Charles de Gaulle vyplouvá k úderům na pozice...

    As Islamic State shifts its strategy, the U.S. and its allies should as well. The time has come for...

    NATO and Russia: Why transparency is essential

    Náměstek generálního tajemníka NATO Alexander Vershbow.

    In close to forty years working on relations between Russia and the West – including as U.S....

    Social media as a tool of hybrid warfare

    Internet, sociální sítě

    Recently we have witnessed how both states and non-state actors use hybrid approaches to pursue...

    Ireland takes a free ride on the back of Nato as it protects us

    Severoatlantická aliance

    Dan O'Brien, Irish Independent (Ireland) Because Ireland is located in what is probably the...

    The desire to please dictators: why Trump’s Crimea gaffe matters

    Donald Trump

    [There] was a comment [Trump] made about Crimea, the Ukrainian region on the Black Sea that was...

    What's NATO for, anyway?

    Bruselská centrála NATO

    Donald Trump shocked foreign-policy professionals and observers when he remarked to The New York...

    NATO and Russia: the road ahead

    NATO - Rusko.

    Did the Warsaw Summit represent a significant new development – as is argued both by NATO lobbyists...

    Souhrn komentářů: NATO a Turecko po pokusu o převrat

    Turecký prezident Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Přinášíme výběr z komentářů a analýz zahraničních médií, které se zabývají vztahy NATO a Turecka po...

    Beyond the NATO summit

    Národní stadion ve Varšavě - dějiště summitu Severoatlantické aliance

    NATO’s summit in Warsaw last week was critical in terms of establishing guidelines for the alliance...

    Keeping NATO relevant and united

    Severoatlantická aliance

    Despite all the unsettling news coming out of Europe, not least Britain’s divorce from the common...

    NATO unity: First aid for Europe's post-Brexit blues

    Generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg

    Still reeling from Brexit's cold slap, Europe sought salve in the form of NATO's summit in Warsaw...

    Souhrn komentářů: po summitu NATO ve Varšavě

    Summit Severoatlantické aliance ve Varšavě

    Přinášíme výběr z komentářů a analýz zahraničních médií, které hodnotí uplynulý summit...

    Why Brexit won't necessarily hurt NATO

    Britský premiér David Cameron

    Concerns that the “Brexit” vote could weaken NATO are overblown. There will likely be a wide range...

    Souhrn komentářů: před summitem NATO ve Varšavě

    Summit NATO ve Varšavě

    Přinášíme výběr z komentářů a analýz zahraničních i českých médií, které se zabývají nadcházejícím...

    The antidote to Brexit: A strong NATO

    Britský premiér David Cameron

    If the European Union is weakening or even in danger of crumbling, to the delight of Vladi­mir...

    Is NATO ready to cross the Rubicon on cyber defence?

    Kybernetická bezpečnost

    In April 2016 Robert Work, United States Deputy Secretary of Defense, declared “[w]e are dropping...

    NATO’s hollowing values agenda

    Centrála NATO v Bruselu

    When NATO leaders convene for the Warsaw summit this July, their agenda will be dominated by...

    Rethinking strategy: NATO and the Warsaw Summit

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.

    In crafting a response to the changing strategic environment in which the West finds itself, the...

    Turkey, the West’s ‘bothersome ally’

    Turecká armáda. Ilustrační snímek.

    Turkey is featuring prominently in the European media these days. Most of the coverage deals with...

    Germany stays all quiet on the Russian front

    Tank Leopard německé armády

    As symbolism or strategy, Germany’s decision to increase the size of its armed forces by 7,000...

    Russian “countermeasures” to NATO are coming

    Ruská armáda

    Categorizing its military programs as countermeasures to Western military deployments has a long...

    What’s Trump’s position on NATO?

    Donald Trump

    Hillary Clinton went too far when she claimed that Donald Trump said “we should pull out of NATO.”...

    Why Bosnia needs to join NATO ASAP

    Severoatlantická aliance

    Bringing Bosnia closer to full NATO membership would be extending the zone of stability to a...

    NATO–Russia relations: deterrence, hybrid war, and the future of European order

    NATO - Rusko.

    In the run-up to NATO’s Warsaw summit in July, this free-access collection draws together 12 essays...

    The 2016 Warsaw NATO Summit: Poland’s hopes, or wishful thinking

    Centrála NATO v Bruselu

    When during the 2014 Newport Summit NATO’s decision-makers pointed at Warsaw as a destination for...

    In a world of instability, NATO is a linchpin for peace

    Severoatlantická aliance

    When I became Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and commander of the U.S. European Command...

    Informační centrum o NATO

    Barista i záchranář u kanónu

    Říjen 2019

    Poprvé v historii nechala armáda záložáky pálit z kanónů ostrými

    Dny NATO v Ostravě

    Září 2019

    Dny NATO navštívilo 220 tisíc lidí, ukázaly i nové vrtulníky pro armádu.

    Továrna na instruktory

    Červenec 2019

    Britský poradní tým s pomocí Čechů vyškolil už přes 9 500 vojenských instruktorů.

    Mraky prachu, vedro a léčky

    Červen 2019

    Jak vypadá příprava českých vojáků na misi v africkém Mali.

    Partneři portálu

    NATO PDD Newton Media