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NATO’s eastern front is being tested
Witold Waszczykowski
We are witnessing a dramatic deterioration of the security situation in Europe’s eastern and southern neighborhoods, including directly on Poland’s doorstep. So we are pressing our allies to take a more dynamic approach to NATO, one that recognizes the menace posed by a restless and intrusive leadership in Moscow. It is not the time for passivity or complacency. NATO’s Eastern flank must be strengthened to ensure real security for Poland and the region. We have to send a powerful message in defense of democracy and respect for the sovereignty and integrity of international borders.
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Witold Waszczykowski / NATO’s Eastern Front Is Being Tested. In: Foreign Policy, 25.4. 2016.
Warsaw prepares for NATO Summit
Santiago de la Presilla
Last week the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMFUS) hosted three major NATO ambassadors for a panel on what the usually biannual NATO Summit in July is hoping to achieve. The discussion focused mostly on what NATO’s response to Russian aggression in both Europe and the Middle East should look like.
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Santiago de la Presilla / Warsaw prepares for NATO Summit. In: Visegrad Insight, 4.3. 2016.
NATO in a world of disorder: Making the Alliance ready for Warsaw
Michal Baranowski and Bruno Lété
NATO matters. Threats emanating from Europe’s east and south give particular urgency
to the Alliance’s next summit, scheduled for Warsaw in July. The nature of these threats
ranges from military to economic to cyber to energy security. The 28 NATO Allies must
decide how they want to tackle these threats and what role they want to see NATO play.
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