Summit NATO 2024

Speciální příloha
k summitu ve Washingtonu

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  • Informační centrum o NATO

  • Zde přinášíme odkazy na vybrané komentáře ze zahraničních médií

    Iran's Russian missiles 'intensify arms race'

    Raketový systém S-300VM Antey-2500.

    The announcement made this Monday that a long-discussed and highly controversial deal between...

    Obama crosses own red line with Syria policy

    Americký prezident Barack Obama

    Even when U.S. President Barack Obama sent U.S. troops back to Iraq and ordered the military to...

    Der russische Militäreinsatz in Syrien

    Sýrie (ilustrační foto)

    Die Stationierung und der Einsatz von russischen Luftstreitkräften in Syrien könnten zum Wendepunkt...

    Wechsel in Kanada

    Šestice kanadských strojů CF-18 střeží vzdušný prostor nad Rumunskem

    Nach dem Wechsel im Amt des kanadischen Ministerpräsidenten wird es auch ein Wechsel der Politik...

    Sweden’s evolving relationship with NATO and its consequences for the Baltic Sea region

    Sídlo švédské vlády ve Stockholmu. Ilustrační foto.

    What would happen if Sweden joined NATO? It goes without saying that Swedish membership would...

    NATO reaches fork in road

    Centrála NATO v Bruselu

    After 14 years of fighting against Al Qaida, the Taliban and now ISIL, while increasingly focusing...

    Libya’s lesson for bombing Syria

    Americké stíhací letouny F-15E Strike Eagle se vrací z náletu na pozice...

    More than a year after the U.S.-led Operation Inherent Resolve began air strikes against the...

    Canada's patched-up military: Too few dollars, too many missions

    Kanadské letouny CF-188 v Pobaltí

    The national conversation is missing because politicians know defence is rarely a big vote getter,...

    Why can't NATO and the EU just get along?

    Generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg s vysokou představitelkou EU pro...

    For anybody who spends time in Brussels, one of the more baffling mysteries in the self-styled...

    In search of new answers for NATO

    Severoatlantická aliance

    Next year’s NATO summit in Warsaw requires new answers to familiar questions. As in the Cold War,...

    NATO’s endless Caucasian courtship

    Gruzínští vojáci před odletem do Afghánistánu

    To fanfare, NATO inaugurated a new Joint Training and Evaluation Center (JTEC) near Tbilisi, the...

    We need to talk about NATO

    Letoun Tornado GR.4 britského Královského letectva

    The election of Jeremy Corbyn to lead the Labour Party has not so much unlocked the door to popular...

    For members only the consequences of the Caspian Summit’s foreign military ban

    Ruský prezident Vladimir Putin.

    Last September brought with it major changes to the hotly contested Caspian Sea region. These...

    Nato’s war games reduce global tensions, not escalate them

    Alianční cvičení Dynamic Mongoose 2015

    In response to your article “Russia and Nato war games ‘raise risk of the real thing’” (12 August),...

    Poland: The Lynchpin of Security on NATO’s Front Lines

    Tank Leopard 2 polské armády během cvičení hrotových sil NATO Nobel Jump

    While Moscow’s aggressive actions have changed the way many in NATO view the threat posed by...

    Nato underwrites the stability of the EU. Corbyn's plan to pull the UK out of it would be disastrous

    Severoatlantická aliance

    Reason is slipping from the left. Not on economics; it is perfectly sensible for Jeremy Corbyn’s...

    US plays politics with Patriot missile removal

    Baterie amerických střel Patriot nad tureckým městem Gaziantep

    It looks as though the departure of Patriot missiles from Turkey will be at least as controversial...

    Beware the nuclear experts

    Zbraně hromadného ničení. Ilustrační foto.

    Nuclear deterrence is risky business to be sure, but Murdock and Karako’s recommendations suffer...

    Germany’s ‘speak no evil’ Russia policy

    Německý parlament.

    Mrs. Merkel’s aide’s careful avoidance of the Russian issue came a few days after Spiegel magazine...

    To keep Putin out, the Baltics need more NATO boots on the ground

    Turečtí vojáci během cvičení BALTOPS

    A pessimistic view is present in the Baltic capitals that Russia, rather than being cautioned by...

    Who’s afraid of NATO enlargement?

    Severoatlantická aliance

    NATO members have to deal with two competing considerations about future enlargement. One is the...

    What Greece's debt crisis means for Russia and NATO stand-off in Europe

    Řecká armáda

    As the cash in Athens begins to run out following the rejection of European Union-led austerity...

    A slap in the face for East Europeans and Americans

    Německá kancléřka Angela Merkelová a šéf NATO Jens Stoltenberg

    It's honest. It reflects the mood. And it is a pathetic display. According to a new Pew Research...

    Will France unseat UK as most capable US ally in EU?

    Francouzské tanky Leclerc

    US policymakers are worried about the UK. The US' closest and most capable ally is facing defence...

    Foreign policy is no laughing matter

    Helikoptéry singapurského letectva AH-64 Apache.

    Most Singaporeans are not very interested in foreign policy, which they regard as remote from their...

    NATO has never been more relevant

    Severoatlantická aliance

    Thucydides stated that nations go to war for one of three reasons: fear, honor and interest. One...

    Moscow’s account of Nato expansion is a case of false memory syndrome

    NATO - Rusko.

    In recent years, the bitterness of the Russian political elite against the west has been anchored...

    The inglorious Bundeswehr

    Nová ministryně obrany Německa Ursula von der Leyen.

    Germans have a reputation for being well-organized, efficient, and meticulous to the point of...

    Was the Iraq war a crime or a mistake? Yes.

    Američtí vojáci v Iráku (ilustrační foto).

    Pretty much everybody in American politics now agrees that the Iraq War was not a great idea. The...

    China comes to Djibouti: Why Washington should be worried

    Letoun HC-130P při odletu ze základny Camp Lemonier v Džibuti.

    The United States’ investment in Djibouti, which amounts to more than $70 million per year...

    Defence spending is just as important as overseas aid

    Britský torpédoborec HMS Dragon

    After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War, we were supposed to reap the...

    Putin uses the S-300 missile to dominate its neighbors. Now Iran can, too.

    Írán (ilustrační foto)

    As the Kremlin lifts its ban on the delivery of S-300 missiles to Iran, and as Russian Foreign...

    The world of threats to the US is an illusion

    Brigáda „Ironhorse“ 1. jízdní divize americké armády

    When Americans look out at the world, we see a swarm of threats. ... In fact, this world of threats...

    Is Russia really a threat to NATO?

    NATO - Rusko.

    Elizabeth Zolotukhina, ISN (Switzerland) Over the next five years, Moscow aims to have...

    British foreign policy: Punch and duty

    Britský premiér David Cameron

    Just over 20 years ago the foreign secretary, Douglas Hurd, declared that Britain should aim to...

    Russia has opened up another front in the Czech Republic

    První část konvoje americké armády překročila u Bohumína hranice do Česka v...

    While eastern Europeans are talking about possible next targets in Ukraine (Mariupol, Kharkiv, or...

    Informační centrum o NATO

    Barista i záchranář u kanónu

    Říjen 2019

    Poprvé v historii nechala armáda záložáky pálit z kanónů ostrými

    Dny NATO v Ostravě

    Září 2019

    Dny NATO navštívilo 220 tisíc lidí, ukázaly i nové vrtulníky pro armádu.

    Továrna na instruktory

    Červenec 2019

    Britský poradní tým s pomocí Čechů vyškolil už přes 9 500 vojenských instruktorů.

    Mraky prachu, vedro a léčky

    Červen 2019

    Jak vypadá příprava českých vojáků na misi v africkém Mali.

    Partneři portálu

    NATO PDD Newton Media