Summit NATO 2024

Speciální příloha
k summitu ve Washingtonu

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  • Informační centrum o NATO

  • Zde přinášíme odkazy na vybrané komentáře ze zahraničních médií

    Ukraine crisis gives NATO, West no good options

    Vladimir Putin a Barack Obama před zasedáním skupiny G20 v Petrohradě.

    With Western powers increasingly concluding Ukraine has lost Crimea to Russia, the U.S. and its...

    The Ukraine crisis: John Kerry and Nato must calm down and back off

    Ministr zahraničí USA John Kerry

    Ukrainian government's plea for Nato aid mark a dangerous escalation of a crisis that can easily be...

    NATO needs to move now on Crimea

    Severoatlantická aliance

    News reports indicate the Russian military has seized Crimea. This is a volatile, dangerous...

    Ballistic missile defence is good enough for Europe, but not for us?

    Radar typu XB amerického systému protiraketové obrany

    As a NATO member, Canada now officially endorses the logic, strategic utility and security...

    NATO and Georgia: Seeking membership, getting partnership

    Generální tajemník NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen se zdraví s gruzínským premiérem

    At the NATO summit in South Wales in September, Georgia hopes for a number of positive signals from...

    Finland and Nato

    Finský prezident Sauli Niinistö se zdraví s generálním tajemníkem NATO Andersem

    Nato's future is open and it is still unclear which direction the alliance will take steps towards....

    How (not) to do business with NATO

    Turecká armáda. Ilustrační snímek.

    In various tones of diplomatic language, Turkey’s western friends warned that Turkey’s defense...

    Needed: A new NATO for the 21st century

    Centrála NATO v Bruselu

    The Afghan mission is about to end. Before it does, the next biannual summit convenes in Wales this...

    NATO Secretary General's Annual Report for 2013

    Generální tajemník NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

    Investing in the right capabilities, maintaining connected forces and deepening and widening...

    Fighting extremism on a broader level: Expand NATO’s influence and reach

    Severoatlantická aliance

    With new terrorist factions rising across the Middle East, keeping NATO on the sidelines is a bad...

    NATO: ready, robust and rebalanced?

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.

    NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen believes that the future of the Alliance depends on...

    NATO after Rasmussen and the U.S. pivot to Asia

    Generální tajemník Aliance Anders Fogh Rasmussen na Parlamentním shromáždění

    Most previous NATO bosses had been drawn from national defense ministries. The choice of Rasmussen,...

    How hard is it to win hearts and minds in Afghanistan? Very hard.

    Velitel afghánského týmu ženijního průzkumu na Highway 1

    Much stock has been placed in discerning Afghan attitudes toward their government and the Taliban...

    The intelligence assessment is too pessimistic about Afghanistan

    Údolí Ganjgal Gar v afghánské provincii Kunar

    To be sure, there are numerous scenarios under which Afghanistan could falter or even fail in the...

    Colombia looks to NATO and beyond in regional defense

    Kolumbie již dlouhodobě spolupracuje s USA, např. v boji proti drogovým

    In early 2013, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos proposed to establish closer military...

    Britain, the EU and a parallel universe

    Britský premiér David Cameron s předsedou Evropské rady Hermanem Van Rompuyem

    EU summits increasingly have a curious quality to them. There is an official agenda, set out in...

    Turkey flirts with Asian arms suppliers

    Turecká armáda. Ilustrační snímek

    When fighter aircraft from NATO-member Turkish and Chinese air forces conducted their first joint...

    Why is China entering a nuclear security pact with Ukraine?

    Čína (ilustrační foto)

    China promises unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear...

    The tide begins to turn on the EU's military ambitions

    Evropská unie (ilustrační foto)

    For the Eurocrats, military effectiveness was always secondary. The current High Representative,...

    US weighs cost of letting Afghanistan go its own way

    Provincie Núristán v Afghánistánu

    In January, when U.S. officials first raised the prospect of keeping no troops in Afghanistan after...

    Ukraine halts eastward expansion of NATO

    Vladimir Putin

    Russia's relations with the Western countries are troubled and dangerous in the Ukraine dispute,...

    US-Afghanistan alliance will be more than shared interests

    Afghánská metropole Kábul

    For Americans wary of one more military commitment, this new alliance may seem more entangling than...

    NATO’s future: Back to basics

    Severoatlantická aliance

    It bears on the big open question at NATO: what happens after combat operations in Afghanistan...

    NATO missile defense is no threat to Russia

    Odpálení antirakety SM-3  z amerického torpédoborce USS Hopper

    The facts and physics demonstrate that NATO's Ballistic Missile Defense system cannot pose any...

    Has NATO's ISAF mission in Afghanistan failed?

    Afghánští a čeští vojáci při patrole ve Vardaku

    The primary objective of the ISAF mission has been to enable the Afghan government to provide...

    As They Leave Afghanistan, Britons Ask, ‘Why?’

    Společná britsko-afghánská hlídka v Kábulu (ilustrační foto)

    After the lives lost and the exhausted treasure, what was it all for? That question is being asked...

    2014 NATO Summit: Laying the Groundwork Now

    Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto.

    This will be a particularly important summit. The 2014 NATO summit will be the last summit before...

    Syria is not Kosovo

    Vozidla inspektorů OSN v Sýrii

    The United States should respond militarily to Mr. Assad’s use of chemical weapons to murder his...

    How France went from loner to leader on European defence policy

    Francois Hollande

    Not that long ago, when it came to global security issues, France often went its own way, taking no...

    Syria vs. Kosovo

    Záběry z bojů v syrském městě Homs

    Once again, the United States appears poised to strike with its military forces in the Middle East,...

    More answers needed on Syria

    Sýrie (ilustrační foto)

    Despite the pumped-up threats and quickening military preparations, President Obama has yet to make...

    Ankara sees no NATO role in Syria

    Severoatlantická aliance

    Ankara believes it’s nearly impossible to let NATO adopt a decision on Syria due this division...

    No easy fixes for NATO

    Šéf NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen a americký prezident Barack Obama na summitu v

    The debate that persists among the alliance's 28 members is between Article V and crisis...

    Why West? The Georgian perspective

    Generální tajemník NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen se při návštěvě Gruzie pozdravil

    In 1783 Georgia and Russia signed the so-called Treaty of Georgievsk, according to which Georgia...

    East European defence: Flexing its muscles

    Stíhací letouny F-16 polského letectva.

    The fact that predatory neighbours twice crushed the life out of Poland, and that its allies had no...

    NATO’s 'neutral' European partners: valuable contributors or free riders?

    Centrála NATO v Bruselu

    When the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact collapsed, five European states – Austria, Sweden,...

    Informační centrum o NATO

    Barista i záchranář u kanónu

    Říjen 2019

    Poprvé v historii nechala armáda záložáky pálit z kanónů ostrými

    Dny NATO v Ostravě

    Září 2019

    Dny NATO navštívilo 220 tisíc lidí, ukázaly i nové vrtulníky pro armádu.

    Továrna na instruktory

    Červenec 2019

    Britský poradní tým s pomocí Čechů vyškolil už přes 9 500 vojenských instruktorů.

    Mraky prachu, vedro a léčky

    Červen 2019

    Jak vypadá příprava českých vojáků na misi v africkém Mali.

    Partneři portálu

    NATO PDD Newton Media