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    How to deal with the Kremlin-created crisis in Europe

    3. ledna 2022  9:48
    Stephen Blank et al., Atlantic Council (USA)
    We believe the United States should, in closest consultation with its NATO allies and with Ukraine, take immediate steps to affect the Kremlin’s cost-benefit calculations before the Russian leadership opts for further military escalation. This means raising the costs that would ensue should the Russian military launch a new assault on Ukraine, building on the excellent set of measures the Biden administration has already laid out: enacting punishing sanctions on Moscow, sending major military supplies to Ukraine, and strengthening NATO’s force posture on its eastern flank.  

    Ruský prezident Vladimír Putin | foto:

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Stephen Blank et al. / How to deal with the Kremlin-created crisis in Europe. In: Atlantic Council, 30. 12. 2021.


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    Stephen Blank et al.
    Atlantic Council (USA)

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