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    Any perception that China doesn’t affect NATO is invalid

    29. března 2023  17:20
    1st Lt. Adrian Pickett, Defense News (USA)
    The United States’ most significant challenge in the 21st century is the strategic rivalry with the Peoples’ Republic of China in the Indo-Pacific region. With the PRC’s “One China” policy stating that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, a clash over the island could become the culminating issue leading to world conflict, if not addressed in an appropriate manner.  

    Čínská ponorka (ilustrační foto) | foto: Maritime Security

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    1st Lt. Adrian Pickett / Any perception that China doesn’t affect NATO is invalid. In: Defense News, 27. 3. 2023.



    Why is China strengthening its military? It’s not all about war.

    China’s rapid military modernization has spurred considerable fear that the country could provoke a war with the United States. Such fear may owe to an exaggerated view of the importance of war preparation as a driver of the People’s Liberation Army’s buildup. In fact, a broad variety of political and security drivers underpin the military’s modernization, many of which have nothing to do with waging war.

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Timothy R. Heath / Why is China strengthening its military? It’s not all about war. In: Defense News, 24. 3. 2023.

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    1st Lt. Adrian Pickett
    Defense News (USA)

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