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Any perception that China doesn’t affect NATO is invalid

Vydáno 29.03.2023
1st Lt. Adrian Pickett, Defense News (USA)
The United States’ most significant challenge in the 21st century is the strategic rivalry with the Peoples’ Republic of China in the Indo-Pacific region. With the PRC’s “One China” policy stating that Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, a clash over the island could become the culminating issue leading to world conflict, if not addressed in an appropriate manner.  

Čínská ponorka (ilustrační foto) | foto: Maritime Security

Celý článek je dostupný na:

1st Lt. Adrian Pickett / Any perception that China doesn’t affect NATO is invalid. In: Defense News, 27. 3. 2023.



Why is China strengthening its military? It’s not all about war.

China’s rapid military modernization has spurred considerable fear that the country could provoke a war with the United States. Such fear may owe to an exaggerated view of the importance of war preparation as a driver of the People’s Liberation Army’s buildup. In fact, a broad variety of political and security drivers underpin the military’s modernization, many of which have nothing to do with waging war.

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Timothy R. Heath / Why is China strengthening its military? It’s not all about war. In: Defense News, 24. 3. 2023.

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1st Lt. Adrian Pickett
Defense News (USA)