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Why Finland and Sweden still flirt with joining NATO
5. září 2018 9:01
Michael Miklaucic, The Hill (USA)
Throughout the Cold War, Finland and Sweden maintained neutrality to avoid the crosshairs of U.S.-Soviet competition. Though both countries align closely with the Western liberal world order, neither has joined NATO. The time for non-alignment is past. Today, the global strategic calculus has changed, and both countries are weighing their security options. They often are coupled by the assumption they will opt in or out of NATO together, but it may be time for Finland and Sweden to go their separate ways in making this decision.
Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu
| foto: NATO Photos
Celý článek je dostupný na:
Michael Miklaucic / Why Finland and Sweden still flirt with joining NATO. In: The Hill, 4. 9. 2018.
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Michael Miklaucic
The Hill (USA)
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