Summit NATO 2023

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k summitu ve Vilniusu

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  • Informační centrum o NATO

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    The NATO summit proves Europe doesn't get Trump – or the US

    17. července 2018  10:01
    Trump is certainly a different political leader and US president. His style is unique, but he mainly says out loud, and more vulgarly, what many Americans, including political elites, think in private. America First has always been the motto of US foreign policy, even if previous presidents believed this was better achieved through a (US-dominated) liberal world order. The sooner Europeans come to turns with that, and start planning for a future without US dominance, the better.  

    Vlajky Severoatlantické aliance a Evropské unie. | foto: NATO Photos

    Celý článek dostupný na:

    The Nato summit proves Europe doesn’t get Trump – or the US

    Cas Mudde
    16.7. 2018, Guardian (Velká Británie)


    Trump’s destructive attitude toward NATO makes Putin’s job a lot easier

    Judy Dempsey
    16.7. 2018, Washington Post (USA)

    On collective defense, during the NATO summit Trump spent most of the time haranguing the other 28 member states. Money was the issue, not protecting shared values; not projecting security; not deepening solidarity in an alliance that the United States founded. But for Trump, the past gets in the way. The past seems irrelevant to Trump. Instead, Trump’s narrative is about “getting along” with different leaders. Human rights, values, the cumbersome structure of multilateral organizations get in the way. For Trump, it’s about winners and losers. As he said during his news conference just after the NATO summit ended, Putin is “a competitor.” This is Trumpian disingenuous manipulation of a high order. 


    NATO’s threat is not Trump but a changing world

    Vesko Garcevic
    16.7. 2018, Balkan Insight

    It is, meanwhile, true that the US military budget is by far higher than that of any other in the NATO family. However, the calculation is not as simple as it looks. The US does spend more on defence than European countries, but the whole US military budget does not go on NATO. As a global power, US military spending exceeds NATO and its operations. The US has a well-grounded reason to require Europe to increase its defence spending and become more cohesive and take full responsibility for European security. NATO has made the EU possible; it created a safe environment in post-war Europe in which integration could take place. (...) Europeans, though, have a strong argument against a current American approach to European affairs that may have lasting and harming effects on the US and European interests. (...) Nothing serves Russia’s interests better than acrimony inside NATO and the EU.  


    Ďakujem ti, Vladimír, že si mi pomohol vyhrať voľby

    Anne Applebaum
    16.7. 2018, Dennik N (Slovensko)

    Z Trumpovho pohľadu bolo cieľom samitu poďakovať ruskému prezidentovi za podporu.


    Dear Mr. Trump–don’t appease Putin at Eastern Europe’s expense

    Jüri Estam
    16.7. 2018, Eesti Rahvusringhääling (Estonsko)

    There are actual reasons why the US should want Eastern Europe to achieve a sufficient defensive posture, such as the vital need to keep NATO from losing its credibility in the event of a potential conflict. Certainly one of the reasons why the US used to keep large numbers of troops on European soil was to try to „keep it in Europe“, helping to avoid future conflict from physically spilling over onto America’s home turf.

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