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NATO's new Libya dilemma

Vydáno 25.10.2011
Dmitry Kosyrev, RIA Novosti (Russia)
The news from Libya today has been dominated by the atrocities committed by rebel forces, and I don't mean the decision to display Muammar Gaddafi's body in the meat section of a grocery store (he was a dictator, a villain, what do you expect?). New details about the dark side of the Libyan revolution have emerged. But the most interesting aspect of the recent news out of Libya is how it is being perceived by the countries that took part in the NATO operation. Their media are beginning to dampen their enthusiasm for the revolution.  

Povstání v Libyi | foto: NATO

Celý článek je dostupný na:
Kosyrev, Dmitry (2011): NATO's new Libya dilemma. RIA Novosti, 25.10.2011

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Dmitry Kosyrev
RIA Novosti (Russia)