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Why West? The Georgian perspective

Vydáno 20.08.2013
Nika Sikharulidze, New Eastern Europe (Poland)
In 1783 Georgia and Russia signed the so-called Treaty of Georgievsk, according to which Georgia became a Russian satellite state. After 18 years, the Russian Empire took over and occupied Georgia. From 1918 to 1921 Georgia enjoyed its freedom and independence, and in 1921 it was again occupied by Soviet Russia. After the Soviet Union’s collapse, Georgia was unwillingly involved in ethnic and civil wars undoubtedly inspired by Russia. Finally, in 2008, a five-day war brought sorrowful consequences for Georgia, although despite everything, Georgia didn't change its Western foreign policy orientation.  

Generální tajemník NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen při návštěvě Gruzie (ilustrační foto) | foto: NATO Photos

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Nika Sikharulidze / Why West? The Georgian Perspective. In: New Eastern Europe, 20.8. 2013.


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Nika Sikharulidze
New Eastern Europe (Poland)