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Why can't NATO and the EU just get along?

Vydáno 28.09.2015
William Drozdiak, The Brookings Institution (USA)
For anybody who spends time in Brussels, one of the more baffling mysteries in the self-styled “capital of Europe” is the lack of communication between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union. Even though these vital Western institutions are located just a few miles from each other, there is a striking absence of policy coordination between them. This, at a time when the European continent is confronting multiple crises whose solutions will require ingenuity, innovative thinking, and smarter use of resources.  

Generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg s vysokou představitelkou EU pro zahraniční politiku Federicou Mogherini | foto: NATO Photos

William Drozdiak
The Brookings Institution (USA)