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Trump does the NATO two-step

Vydáno 09.01.2020
Megan McArdle, The Washington Post (USA)
President Trump’s remarks about Iran on Wednesday weren’t exactly a model of clarity. The president clearly wanted to project toughness while continuing to position himself as the president who was getting us out of Middle Eastern entanglements. There’s a potential contradiction here, of course ... What he did was imply that a third party might fill the gap, with a promise to get NATO more closely involved.  

Americký prezident Donald Trump s generálním tajemníkem NATO Jensem Stoltenbergem na schůzce NATO v Bruselu. | foto: NATO Photos

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Megan McArdle / Trump does the NATO two-step. In: The Washington Post, 9. 1. 2020.


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Megan McArdle
The Washington Post (USA)