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Three 'black holes' facing NATO: strategy, Russia, weapons

Vydáno 01.05.2017
Harlan Ullman & Arnaud de Borchgrave, UPI (USA)
Black holes are not merely matters of physics. Strategic black holes may be even more confounding than those found in deep space. NATO, thus far history's most successful military alliance, currently must deal with three of them. The likelihood that this venerable alliance will do so is far from certain.  

Generální tajemník NATO Jens Stoltenberg. | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Harlan Ullman & Arnaud de Borchgrave / Three ‚black holes‘ facing NATO: strategy, Russia, weapons. In: UPI , 1.5. 2017.


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Harlan Ullman & Arnaud de Borchgrave