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The US should call NATO to action and defend Europe against coronavirus

Vydáno 01.04.2020
Frederick Kempe, CNBS (USA)
If NATO could bend Article 5 to combat a non-state terrorist actor striking the United States, why not also to combat the Chinese-originated COVID-19, which by Friday had infected more than 28,000 individuals and killed more than 1,200 among NATO allies. Given current transatlantic divisions, there is far greater need now than after 9/11 for a symbolic gesture of unity.  

Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Frederick Kempe / The US should call NATO to action and defend Europe against coronavirus. In: CNBS, 14. 3. 2020.


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Frederick Kempe