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The tragic truth about America's longest war

Vydáno 06.02.2018
Ivo Daalder, CNN (USA)
The Taliban bombing in Kabul last Saturday that killed more than a hundred people could have happened any day in recent years. What this grim and unrelenting bloodshed makes clear is that, after 16 years of war, the United States is not winning in Afghanistan. Insurgent strength may grow and shrink over time, but the Taliban are no nearer to defeat today than they were a day or a decade ago. Meanwhile, America's longest war grinds on.  

Letecká základna NATO v Kandaháru (ilustrační foto) | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Ivo Daalder / The tragic truth about America’s longest war. In: CNN, 2.2. 2018.


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Ivo Daalder