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The pros and cons of lawfare

Vydáno 19.04.2013
Orde Kittrie, ISN (Switzerland)
The increasing legalization of international relations has made law an increasingly powerful alternative to traditional military means to achieve operational objectives. Major General Charles Dunlap, Jr., has famously coined the term ―lawfare to describe the strategy of so using—or misusing—law. Terrorist groups and their state sponsors have made explicit and sometimes effective use of lawfare to achieve their operational objectives.  

Dodržování zákonů a místních zvyklostí mezinárodními jednotkami je nezbytnou součástí operace v Afghánistánu. Jakékoli porušení okamžitě trestá propagada Talibanu (ilustrační foto). | foto: ISAF Media

Orde Kittrie
ISN (Switzerland)