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The made-in-America global security and economic system still serves U.S. interests

Vydáno 03.11.2016
Howard J. Shatz & David A. Shlapak, RAND (USA)
When the new president takes office next January, a world of troubles awaits. Violent extremism, irresponsible adventurism by China, an aggressive and authoritarian Russia, economic uncertainty and racial unrest at home, to name a few issues, will give no peace to the White House's new occupant, Democrat or Republican.  

Američtí vojáci v Evropě (ilustrační foto) | foto: MON

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Howard J. Shatz & David A. Shlapak / The Made-in-America Global Security and Economic System Still Serves U.S. Interests. In: RAND , 26.10. 2016.


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Howard J. Shatz & David A. Shlapak