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The inglorious Bundeswehr

Vydáno 20.05.2015
Konstantin Richter, Politico (Belgium)
Germans have a reputation for being well-organized, efficient, and meticulous to the point of obsession. They excel in engineering. Some of the most successful arms manufacturers are German. So what’s wrong with the Bundeswehr? Do Germans not know how to run an army effectively? Or do they actually intend to be sloppy in matters of war and peace?  

Nová ministryně obrany Německa Ursula von der Leyen. | foto: Ministerstvo obrany Německa

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Konstantin Richter / The inglorious Bundeswehr. In: Politico, 20.5. 2015.


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Konstantin Richter, Politico (Belgium)