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Souhrn komentářů: NATO a Turecko po pokusu o převrat

Vydáno 19.07.2016
Přinášíme výběr z komentářů a analýz zahraničních médií, které se zabývají vztahy NATO a Turecka po tamním neúspěšném pokusu o převrat.  

Turecký prezident Recep Tayyip Erdogan. | foto: NATO Photos

Turkey and NATO: what comes next is messy

James Stavridis
18.7. 2016, Foreign Policy (USA)
With U.S. forces (and nuclear weapons) housed at Incirlik Air Base, the relationship between Ankara and Washington is critical — and delicate.


Don’t Buy The Hype About Turkey And NATO

Akbar Shahid Ahmed, Amber Ferguson, Christine Conetta
19.7. 2016, Huffington Post (USA)
With the alliance “reinvigorated,” this is not the time for a sudden break.



Taha Akyol
19.7. 2016, Hürriyet Daily News (Turkey)
Coups indeed cause huge destruction, but the destruction of non-hierarchic coup attempts is more disastrous. This is the horrendous destruction the July 15 junta caused. The July 15 coup attempt caused much destruction in the army and the judiciary. For the army and the judiciary to return to their regular hierarchy and professional functioning, everybody has to be very attentive; this is critically important for the future of Turkey.


NATO nemá článok 50 ako EÚ, čo ak sa Turecko vymkne spod kontroly?

Mirek Tóda
18.7. 2016, Denník N (Slovensko)
Masívne represie po neúspešnom prevrate vyvolávajú znepokojenie vo vojenskej Aliancii, ktorej je Turecko členom vyše polstoročia. Kerry im dokonca nepriamo pohrozil vylúčením.


Rethink Turkey ties after coup attempt

David A. Andelman
16.7. 2016, USA Today (USA)
U.S. should reconsider loyalty to a fractured, unstable ally whose leaders don’t share our values. The United States may be on the verge of plunging down another Mideast rabbit hole. The first Obama administration reaction was relief that the weekend coup in Turkey had been suppressed, and indeed that seems to be case. But the next and most critical questions are at what cost, and what should we do now?


How will Turkey’s failed coup affect ISIL, NATO and the refugee crisis?

Chris Harris
18.7. 2016, Euronews (Belgie)
Few would doubt Turkey’s strategic importance: straddling Europe and Asia it is a key player in Middle East stability at a time of unprecedented volatility. So what affect will Turkey’s failed coup have on the region and beyond? Here we look at how the instability in Turkey could affect the relations with the EU and US, the fight against ISIL and NATO.

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