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Should Finland join NATO?

Vydáno 18.04.2014
Bruno Jantti, Aljazeera (Qatar)
The prime minister of Finland, Jyrki Katainen of the National Coalition Party, made headlines recently with a peculiar assertion on the question of Finland joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). According to Katainen, the overwhelming opposition to the NATO membership by the Finnish public is "an insufficient reason" to reject NATO membership.  

Finský prezident Sauli Niinistö se zdraví s generálním tajemníkem NATO Andersem Foghem Rasmussenem. | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Bruno Jantti / Should Finland join NATO? In: Aljazeera, 18.4. 2014.


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Bruno Jantti
Aljazeera (Qatar)