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NATO stuck between Trump and Macron

Vydáno 18.12.2019
Borut Grgic, Hurriet Daily News (Turkey)
First it was the U.S., already under the junior President George Bush and well before President Donald Trump, who declared NATO obsolete. Then a few weeks ago, the French president proclaimed it brain dead. Only for the two to meet last week in London for some more muscle flexing. But there is a real cost to this macho bickering, which ultimately, is not very useful, even if Emmanuel Macron might have a point that the U.S. mantra - spend more - sounds broken, old-fashioned and, besides, the point.  

Francouzský prezident Emmanuel Macron s šéfem Bílého domu Donaldem Trumpem | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Borut Grgic / NATO stuck between Trump and Macron. In: Hurriet Daily News, 12. 12. 2019.


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Borut Grgic
Hurriet Daily News (Turkey)