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NATO’s purpose is to ensure we don’t have to defend Montenegro

Vydáno 01.08.2018
Mark A. Thiessen, The Washington Post (USA)
There is a reason Putin despises the NATO alliance so much — and has fought to prevent further integration of the countries of Eastern Europe into it. He knows he may be able to bully his unallied neighbors, but he can’t bully a NATO ally — because that ally is backed up by 28 others, bonded by a mutual commitment to each other’s security and led by an American president who, while seeking friendship with all, is unafraid to flex U.S. military muscle.  

Severoatlantická aliance. Ilustrační foto. | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Mark A. Thiessen / NATO’s purpose is to ensure we don’t have to defend Montenegro. In: The Washington Post, 31. 7. 2018.


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Mark A. Thiessen
The Washington Post (USA)