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NATO’s expansion will help stability, despite concerns about Russia

Vydáno 26.05.2019
Luke Coffey, Arab News (Saudi Arabia)
Just because a country was once occupied by the Soviet Union or under the domination of the Russian empire does not mean it is blocked from joining the alliance in perpetuity. NATO is a collection of democracies. All decisions taken inside the alliance require unanimity. Any country that seeks to join must be a democracy. If a country meets the criteria and the alliance issues an invitation, the matter should be final and not up for debate with Russia. This needs to be made clear to Moscow.  

NATO - Rusko. | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Luke Coffey / NATO’s expansion will help stability, despite concerns about Russia. In: Arab News, 25. 5. 2019.


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Luke Coffey
Arab News (Saudi Arabia)