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NATO’s Eastern flank and its future relationship with Russia

Vydáno 24.10.2017
Judy Dempsey, Carnegie Europe (Belgium)
Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its invasion of eastern Ukraine unified the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and prompted the allies to beef up defenses. But the process of strengthening the alliance’s Eastern flank is far from over. To complete it, NATO needs to develop a comprehensive, long-term strategy toward Russia based on unity, deterrence, and resilience. That effort is long overdue.  

Alianční vojenské manévry v Estonsku (ilustrační foto) | foto: Eesti Kaitseväe

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Judy Dempsey / NATO’s Eastern Flank and Its Future Relationship With Russia. In: Carnegie Europe, 23.10. 2017.


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Judy Dempsey
Carnegie Europe (Belgium)