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NATO needs a China policy

Vydáno 19.07.2019
Helena Legarda, Meia Nouwens, The Diplomat (USA)
The EU and the United States have so far adopted different approaches to China’s growing global clout, particularly in the security sphere. But this still leaves room for transatlantic cooperation. European and American concerns and interests align on multiple issues – both recognize that China’s overseas economic activities have far-reaching security implications for NATO member states and their allies, and both want China’s cyber operations and political interference activities curtailed.  

Čína (ilustrační foto) | foto: Daderot

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Helena Legarda, Meia Nouwens / NATO Needs a China Policy. In: The Diplomat, 18. 7. 2019.


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Helena Legarda, Meia Nouwens
The Diplomat (USA)