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NATO countries need to stop China from winning the 5G race

Vydáno 17.04.2019
David A. Andelman, CNN (USA)
NATO — a collection of 29 distinct nations, each with its own approach to technological development and open vs. closed markets — has not adopted, and seems unlikely to adopt, any uniform approach to Huawei and whatever challenges it might pose. So in addition to encouraging other nations to develop their own 5G technology to compete with Huawei, NATO should adopt a uniform series of responses to threats from external military or strategic challenges.  

Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

David A. Andelman / NATO countries need to stop China from winning the 5G race. In: CNN, 15.5. 2019.


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David A. Andelman