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China comes to Djibouti: Why Washington should be worried

Vydáno 07.05.2015
John Lee, Foreign Affairs (USA)
The United States’ investment in Djibouti, which amounts to more than $70 million per year including economic aid, is money well spent. Washington needs Djibouti—and Guelleh knows that all too well. France, Germany, and Japan have also handed over tens of millions of dollars to the country for the right to use its strategic real estate. And lately, China has gotten in on the act too—not only for economic reasons, but also driven by apparent security considerations. Money talks, especially in small and underdeveloped states run by authoritarian governments such as Djibouti—and soon Beijing, not Washington, may have the strongest voice.  

Letoun HC-130P při odletu ze základny Camp Lemonier v Džibuti. | foto: U.S. Air Force / Daren Reehl

John Lee
Foreign Affairs (USA)