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Before Donald Trump, Russia needed 60 hours to beat NATO - now Moscow could win much faster

Vydáno 11.06.2020
David Axe, Forbes (USA)
Four days after President Donald Trump’s most recent phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the news broke that Trump plans to cut a quarter of U.S. forces in Germany. … It’s not clear whether Trump’s cuts will go through. Nor is it clear which units EUCOM might withdraw. But it’s apparent that any reduction in U.S. forces in Europe would weaken NATO’s defenses.  

Americké tanky se vyloďují v Evropě. | foto: Ministerstvo obrany USA, Staff Sgt. Micah VanDyke

Celý článek je dostupný na:

David Axe / Before Donald Trump, Russia Needed 60 Hours To Beat NATO - Now Moscow Could Win Much Faster. In: Forbes, 7. 6. 2020.


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David Axe
Forbes (USA)