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A bigger NATO has been a better NATO

Vydáno 25.05.2019
Jeff Jacoby, The Boston Globe (USA)
After winning the Cold War, America might have pulled out and gone home. But just as NATO expansion continued to “keep the Russians out,” it continued to “keep the Americans in,” deeply invested in maintaining European peace and stability. Under US leadership, NATO provided the space for a new, post-Soviet normalcy to take hold. Within NATO’s borders, peace has reigned for 70 years. Germany, once such a hateful menace, abandoned its murderous, militaristic ways.  

Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Jeff Jacoby / A bigger NATO has been a better NATO. In: The Boston Globe, 24. 5. 2019.


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Jeff Jacoby
The Boston Globe (USA)