Odkazů na komentáře a analýzy publikované ve světových médiích.
(leden/january - březen/march 2006)


Lennart Meri
Lennart Meri, the former president of Estonia who died on Tuesday aged 76, helped to propel his country into the safe hands of Nato and the European Union after some 50 years of enforced membership of the Soviet Union. 
Zdroj: (United Kingdom)
Passive Aggressive. NATO and Afghanistan.
(By David Bosco)

Opponents of NATO's expansion into the volatile south seem to believe either that Afghanistan can be stabilized without confronting the insurgents militarily or that American troops alone should do the confronting. The first notion is Pollyannaish, the second is, well, just plain selfish. 

Zdroj: The New Republic (USA)


Ukraine’s elite does not realize the country is in danger: First Deputy Speaker of Supreme Rada Adam Martynyuk
In an interview to REGNUM well-known politician, Deputy Speaker of the Ukrainian parliament Adam Martynyuk admits that the president’s wrong policy may put Ukraine on the verge of a split.
Zdroj: Regnum (Russia)

American Foreign Policy and the Future of NATO
Washington finally realizes after its chronic troop shortage in Iraq and elsewhere that Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s vision of quickly "shocking and awing" enemies to win victories has been spectacularly unsuccessful and that the US needs foreign manpower more desperately than ever.
Zdroj: (USA)

Next step for NATO
(By Richard Holbrooke and Ronald D. Asmus)
NATO now must decide whether to begin what we would call the third phase of its history. Phase I was the creation of the alliance in the late 1940s, and the Cold War itself; Phase II was the enlarging and reorganizing of NATO in the post-Cold War 1990s, and dealing with Bosnia and Kosovo. Phase III poses a fundamental question: Should NATO play a role in dealing with problems outside its historical "space"?
Zdroj: Washington Post (USA)


How to avoid another Iraq in Sudan 

SUDAN’s Darfur region could become another Iraq, if recent calls for greater western involvement in the savage war there are heeded. It is the “something must be done” syndrome. Tens of thousands have been killed and hundreds of thousands displaced in the three Darfur states, an area bigger than France.
Zdroj: Business Day (JAR)


Travailler ensemble pour construire l'Europe de la défense
(Par Michelle Alliot-Marie et John Reid)
En matière de défense, l'Europe démontre la valeur du travail en commun, avec la France et le Royaume-Uni en première ligne. Bien sûr, l'Otan reste la pierre angulaire de la défense commune de l'Europe, mais il est indéniable que l'UE a un rôle particulier à jouer pour faire avancer la paix et la sécurité internationale.

Zdroj: Le Figaro (France)


NATO's terrorism budget cuts are a worrisome trend

Since the September 11 attacks, terrorists also have struck London, Madrid and other European population centers. The terrorist threat is very real and it clearly is global. Yet even as the United States increased its defense budget and raised its pace of military operations on a global basis - most notably, of course, in Iraq and Afghanistan - our NATO allies actually cut their defense budgets and reduced their overseas commitments. 
Zdroj: Times Republican (USA)


Bush danse sur le volcan afghan
Le président américain a joué les illusionnistes en vantant l’émergence de la démocratie afghane. Mais à Bagram, on torture comme à Guantanamo.Discrétion sur le rôle de l’OTAN...
Zdroj: l'Humanité (Francie)


The Visegrad Group - Polish Geopolitical Axis
Fifteen years ago the "Visegrad Group" (or V4) association was perceived by its founders to be a completely natural necessity for that period. It was a natural reaction to the political and economic vacuum formed in the central part of Europe after the collapse of the Council of Economic Mutual Assistance and the Warsaw Treaty Organization.  
Zdroj: Axis


Israel needs NATO and U.S. support
The choice of how to respond to Iran’s growing threat to the West in general and Israel in particular is not an easy one. One option is to try to stop Iran’s nuclear program via an air and missile strike — but such a step is unlikely to work militarily and could have disastrous consequences. The other is to shift to a longer-term strategy of containment while working for peaceful regime change. While that might work over time, it is unlikely to stop Iran from going nuclear in the short term if it is determined to do so. While working to prevent Iran from going nuclear, the West must think now about what to do if we fail.  
Zdroj: Statesman Journal (USA)__________________________________________________

NATO's new threat
THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION was created in 1949 to protect Western Europe from the Soviet Union. Because there's not much danger of the Red Army marching on Paris anymore, the alliance's mission has understandably changed over time. It's unfortunate that some European members now seem to be retreating from their commitment to a re-energized NATO. 
Zdroj: Los Angeles Times (USA)

Bentégeat : "Maintenir l'effort de défense"
Chef d'état-major des armées, Henri Bentégeat met en garde contre une réduction des crédits, dix ans après le passage à l'armée de métier. 
Zdroj: Le Figaro (France)_______________________________________________________

U.S. might be dragging NATO into new Afghan war
The United States, in a manner that is already becoming hard to ignore, is clearly doing its best to drag the Atlantic Alliance into a new Afghan war. 
Zdroj: RIA Novosti (Russia)


Trau, schau, wem: Nato und Russland als Partner – das bringt Vertrauen. Mehr Demokratie brächte noch mehr
Generalsekretär Jaap de Hoop Scheffer verkündete gemeinsam mit dem Verteidigungsminister Sergej Iwanow zu Beginn einer Sitzung im so genannten Nato-Russland-Rat, kurz NRR, dass nun die „Partnerschaft noch konkreter“ gemacht werden soll. Sie soll also in Zukunft hinausreichen über gemeinsame Patrouillen auf See, im Mittelmeer, um Schiffe vor Terroristen zu schützen – das ist, genauer betrachtet, in der Tat eine atemberaubende Perspektive.
Zdroj: Tagesspiegel (Germany / Německo)


NATO's Frontiers: Eurasia, the Mediterranean, and the Greater Middle East
Seventeen years since the fall of the Berlin Wall is sufficient time to reflect upon the amazing transfor­mation of NATO and its frontiers. From bringing the Central European states back into their European home, whole and free, to extending membership to the former captive nations of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, NATO has done very well indeed. 
Zdroj: The Heritage Foundation (USA)


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