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What does Gaddafi's fall mean for Africa?
26. října 2011 2:46
The Security Council identifies states guilty of committing "crimes against humanity" and sanctions intervention as part of a "responsibility to protect" civilians. Third parties, other states armed to the teeth, are then free to carry out the intervention without accountability to anyone, including the Security Council. The ICC, in tow with the Security Council, targets the leaders of the state in question for criminal investigation and prosecution. Africans have been complicit in this, even if unintentionally. Sometimes, it is as if we have been a few steps behind in a game of chess. An African Secretary General tabled the proposal that has come to be called R2P, Responsibility to Protect. Without the vote of Nigeria and South Africa, the resolution authorising intervention in Libya would not have passed in the Security Council
Libyjci oslavují pád Kaddáfího režimu
| foto: NATO
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