Summit NATO 2023

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k summitu ve Vilniusu

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    Pentagon shows faith in European allies

    6. ledna 2012  11:31
    Christina Bergmann, Deutsche Welle (Germany)
    The Pentagon's latest "defensive strategic review" was born out of necessity. When presenting the new long-term US military strategy, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta made no secret of the role budget deficits and national debt had played in the matter, even describing Washington's debt as "a national security risk." (...) The result is good news for Europeans, as it strongly leans towards their favored, multilateral approach to global conflict. A country that reduces the size of its military and abandons the target of being able to fight two large ground offensives simultaneously is far less likely to launch an almost unilateral war like the conflict in Iraq, as former President George W. Bush did.  

    Americký prezident Barack Obama | foto: Lubomír Světnič

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Christina Bergmann / Pentagon shows faith in European allies. In: Deutsche Welle, 6.1. 2012.



    Obama's defense cuts are too timid

    Russell Rumbaugh
    The defense budget is going down. Thursday, President Obama personally announced a new strategy to align with the new limits created by the Budget Control Act of last fall. The announcement was light on the budget details to emphasize "strategy." But strategy documents come and go -- it's in budgets that we'll see actual change.

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Russell Rumbaugh / Obama's defense cuts are too timid. In: CNN, 6.1. 2012.



    US defence spending: closing the book

    There were two unmistakable messages in the defence review outlined by Barack Obama in his appearance at the Pentagon briefing room. The first was that America is never going to fight wars like Iraq or Afghanistan again. (...) The second message is equally bald, and it is pointed at Europe. For all the soothing words about Nato being "a force multiplier", the message is that Europe's collective defence is up to Europe, and its forces have to stand alone. America may not be there to provide the in-flight refuelling and intelligence, as it did for Libya.

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Editorial / US defence spending: closing the book. In: The Guardian, 5.1. 2012.



    A leaner Pentagon

    With his new defense strategy, President Obama has put forward a generally pragmatic vision of how this country will organize and deploy its military in the 21st century, while also addressing its deep fiscal problems. (...) It came at the barrel of a budget-cutting gun, but President Obama has begun to bring more rationality to military planning. The real impact of the strategy will be seen in the budget he unveils later this month.

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Editorial / A leaner Pentagon. In: The New York Times, 5.1. 2012.


    Pokud se Vám odkazy článků nezobrazují správně, kontaktujte nás prosím na emailu
    Christina Bergmann
    Deutsche Welle (Germany)

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