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    Pakistan-USA: Deteriorating ties

    29. listopadu 2011  10:38
    Editorial, Dawn (Pakistan)
    Aside from the international response, what has put ties at risk is the predictable political fallout at home. Protests that have been held around the country prove that the incident has already expanded the space for right-wing and anti-American viewpoints that do not incorporate a realistic assessment of the importance of the relationship. It has also put the administration, already battling memogate and governance and corruption issues, under further pressure.  

    Incident na pákistánsko-afghánské hranici ovlivní vztahy Pákistán - NATO (Ilistrační foto - pákistánský premiér Syed Gillani na návštěvě NATO v roce 2010). | foto: NATO Photos

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Editorial / Deteriorating ties. In: Dawn, 29.11.2011


    Let us tell NATO, “no more!”

    Marvi Sirmed, Daily Times (Pakistan)
    "Since NATO has violated our sovereignty, it must not only be condemned in the strongest possible terms but an apology must also be sought and border security must be ensured, failure to abide by which shall result in the perpetrator to be taken to the International Court of Justice. For doing so, we will have to establish that we care for our sovereignty and that whosoever violates it will be subjected to the toughest measures. We would also have to take action against all such violations that we normally let go of. That Osama bin Laden was present on our soil and was living in plain public sight with immunity for years is to be regarded as one of the most blatant violations of our sovereignty. That he could not have enjoyed the luxury of complete security for such a long time had someone on our soil not helped him is a reality. Should we, the people, not immediately demand an independent probe on that? Should we not ask for the constitution to be invoked for this treasonous act?"

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Marvi Sirmed / Let us tell NATO, “no more!”. In: Daily Times, 29.11.2011\11\29\story_29-11-2011_pg3_4


    Attack hands Pakistan a chance to squeeze US

    News analysis, Express Tribune (Pakistan) / Reuters
    "Following a similar incident in September 2010 that killed two Pakistani troops, the routes were shut for 10 days. However, NATO has since pushed to expand a northern route into Afghanistan through Russia and the central Asian countries, which reduces the impact of a blockade through Pakistan. Pakistan’s ultimate leverage lies in its influence over militant groups, especially the Taliban-linked Haqqani network, which pioneered suicide bombing in Afghanistan and has become one of the most serious threats to NATO troops there. Pakistan has long-standing ties with the Haqqanis stretching back to the war against the Soviet Union in the 1980s, and – despite official denials – it is widely suspected that it still supports them."

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Attack hands Pakistan a chance to squeeze US. In: Express Tribune, 29.11.2011

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    Dawn (Pakistan)

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