Summit NATO 2023

Speciální příloha
k summitu ve Vilniusu

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  • Informační centrum o NATO

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    Needed: A new NATO for the 21st century

    29. ledna 2014  14:22
    Harlan Ullman, UPI (USA)
    The Afghan mission is about to end. Before it does, the next biannual summit convenes in Wales this September to discuss NATO's future post-Afghanistan. As important, but less likely, the summit should address rejuvenating the alliance at a time of both diminished public support and defense spending. That rejuvenation requires re-examining and asking what the three core tasks in the strategic concept now mean and restating the case for the alliance in plain terms readily understood by publics and politicians alike.  

    Centrála NATO v Bruselu | foto: NATO

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Harlan Ullman / Needed: A new NATO for the 21st century. In: UPI, 29.1. 2014.



    NATO, state of European defense to be considered in Munich

    John Vandiver, Stars and Stripes

    NATO, at once described by observers as the greatest military alliance in history and a coalition that is shirking its responsibilities, is ever at a crossroads. Even the staunchest supporters of the trans-Atlantic military alliance seem at times conflicted over what to say about the 28-nation union, which was established after World War II.

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    John Vandiver / NATO, state of European defense to be considered in Munich. In: Stars and Stripes, 28.1. 2014.


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    Harlan Ullman, UPI (USA)

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