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    Japan has duty to help keep the peace in Asia

    29. března 2016  10:44
    Hiroyuki Akita, Nikkei (Japan)
    Consciously or not, Japan has entered a new foreign-policy era forced on it by a shifting global landscape. A quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, America now has neither the wherewithal nor any reason to continue policing the world alone. The days when Japan could rely entirely on the U.S. to keep the peace are over. And if this is the case, Tokyo must take on a portion of Washington's role in maintaining order.  

    Nosič vrtulníků Hyuga je největší vojenskou lodí japonských ozbrojených sil. | foto: Ministerstvo obrany Japonska

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Hiroyuki Akita / Japan has duty to help keep the peace in Asia. In: Nikkei, 29.3. 2016.



    Japan’s security laws push Asia-Pacific region into abyss of instability

    Liu Tian, Shanghai Daily (China)

    Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ambitiously blueprinted security laws took effect on Tuesday, historically switching Japan back to a fighting stance for the first time in seven decades, as the controversial laws ordered Japan’s Self-Defense Forces (SDF) to stand ready to particulate in armed conflicts overseas. In the Asia-Pacific region, the security laws are not the right remedy to resolve any problems facing Japan since some issues require Japan to reflect on itself over history so as to enhance ties and trust with its neighboring countries and Japan also needs the cooperation of the international community.

    Celý článek je dostupný na:

    Liu Tian / Japan’s security laws push Asia-Pacific region into abyss of instability. In: Shanghai Daily, 29.3. 2016.


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    Hiroyuki Akita
    Nikkei (Japan)

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