Seven deadly myths of U.S. defense spending

1. března 2017  18:49
Hal Brands, Bloomberg (USA)
For decades, the U.S. has stabilized the international order, in part by maintaining a preponderance of military power. Yet today, America is approaching “strategic insolvency” -- the point at which its commitments exceed its capabilities and its ability to defend allies and deter adversaries is badly compromised. The only way to avoid the dangers this situation entails is to devote significantly greater resources to the military.  

USA mají ze všech států zdaleka největší obranný rozpočet, na všechny hrozby, jimž mohou čelit, to přesto nestačí (ilustrační foto). | foto: MON

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Hal Brands / Seven Deadly Myths of U.S. Defense Spending. In: Bloomberg, 28.2. 2017.


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Hal Brands
Bloomberg (USA)
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