Preserving Ukraine’s independence, resisting Russian aggression: What the United States and NATO must do

16. února 2015  13:05
Steven Pifer, Strobe Talbott, Ambassador Ivo Daalder, Michele Flournoy, Ambassador John Herbst, Jan Lodal, Admiral James Stavridis and General Charles Wald, The Brookings Institution (USA)
The report, authored by eight former senior U.S. diplomatic and military officials, urges the United States and NATO to bolster Ukraine’s defense and deter further Russian aggression by providing military assistance to Ukraine—including lethal defensive assistance.  

Ukrajinský prezident Petro Porošenko na summitu NATO ve Walesu | foto: NATO Photos

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Steven Pifer, Strobe Talbott, Ambassador Ivo Daalder, Michele Flournoy, Ambassador John Herbst, Jan Lodal, Admiral James Stavridis and General Charles Wald / Preserving Ukraine’s Independence, Resisting Russian Aggression: What the United States and NATO Must Do. In: The Brookings Institution, 2/2015.



Want to arm Kiev? Better have a Plan B

Rajan Menon, The Los Angeles Times (USA)
To say that the truce in eastern Ukraine, where Russia-backed breakaway „republics“ are battling the pro-Western Kiev government, isn’t holding is like saying the Titanic sprung a leak. The cease-fire signed in September is a dead letter. There’s a full-blown war afoot. And whatever Moscow may claim, Russia is deeply involved, and not just as a source of „volunteers.“ So should the West arm the embattled Ukrainians?



The Case for Arming Ukraine

Alexander J. Motyl, World Affairs (USA)
No one could make the case against supplying weapons to Ukraine better than my good friend Rajan Menon, a professor of political science at City College of New York. So, if his best shot falls short, then it’s safe to say that there is no sound argument against America’s provision of military hardware to Ukraine.



Don’t Arm Ukraine

John J. Mearsheimer, The New York Times

Sending weapons to Ukraine will not rescue its army and will instead lead to an escalation in the fighting. Such a step is especially dangerous because Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons and is seeking to defend a vital strategic interest.


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