Outcomes and recommendations from the Conference NATO2020: Challenges Ahead of Warsaw Summit

23. února 2016  11:12
The 4th NATO2020: Challenges Ahead of Warsaw Summit conference took place on November 11-12, 2015 in Historical Building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. The main goal of the conference was to gather experts from all over the world and discuss the most important foreign policy and security issues that NATO member and partner states are facing after the Wales Summit in September 2014 and before the Summit in Warsaw in 2016. Therefore, the conference was focused on five following topics: NATO Reassurances After Ukrainian War, Warsaw Summit 2016, NATO Partnerships, V4 EU Battlegroup and Information Warfare.  

Slovenský prezident Andrej Kiska na konferenci NATO2020: Challenges Ahead of Warsaw Summit | foto:

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