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US nuclear arms shift could raise risk of inadvertent conflict

Vydáno 15.11.2021
George Robertson, The Financial Times (USA)
As Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan declared in 1985, “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought”. Alongside climate change and pandemic disease, nuclear weapons represent a risk to humankind’s continued existence on our planet. But President Joe Biden’s upcoming review of US nuclear posture — which is expected to clarify the circumstances in which its weapons might be used — could bring inadvertent and unwanted consequences.  

Start americké mezikontinentální balistické střely Minuteman III z Vandenbergovy základny v Kalifornii (6. února 2020) | foto: USAF

Celý článek je dostupný na:

George Robertson / US nuclear arms shift could raise risk of inadvertent conflict. In: The Financial Times, 14. 11. 2021.


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George Robertson
The Financial Times (USA)