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Ukraine has Asia thinking about war

Vydáno 04.05.2022
William Choong, Foreign Policy (USA)
Even before the Russia-Ukraine war, experts had already observed that the military instruments of statecraft, which had been diminished after the end of the Cold War, were making a comeback in Asia. While there has been much attention given to geoeconomics and the evolution of regional institutions, there has been a parallel tendency—much as there was in Europe—to underestimate the importance of the role played by military power in the region’s dynamics. That is now changing.  

Čínská ponorka (ilustrační foto) | foto: Maritime Security

Celý článek je dostupný na:

William Choong / Ukraine Has Asia Thinking About War. In: Foreign Policy, 29. 4. 2022.


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William Choong
Foreign Policy (USA)