Security and defense will have to rest more on Europe — and less on the US

23. července 2024  9:26
Ivo Daalder, Politico (Belgium)
After decades of underinvestment and spending cuts to NATO, there remains much more to be done. But virtually all members now understand the urgency of the task at hand.  

Summit NATO ve Washingtonu. Slavnostní ceremonie k 75. výročí vzniku Aliance v Mellon Auditorium, kde byla v roce 1949 dvanácti státy podepsána Severoatlantická smlouva. | foto: NATO Photos

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Ivo Daalder / Security and defense will have to rest more on Europe — and less on the US. In: Politico, 16. 7. 2024.


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Ivo Daalder
Politico (Belgium)
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