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NATO accession would not be a way for the West to help Ukraine

Vydáno 16.04.2021
Jakub Wisniewski, New Europe (Belgium)
Ukrainian politicians have also started the discussion about joining NATO. Is there a chance for Ukraine to become a regular member of the Alliance? Never say “never”. ... To exclude this possibility (for example in the name of placating Russia) would mean that we as the West acknowledge Russia’s claim of supremacy in the “Russky Mir” (the Russian World). It would mean our agreement to the Cold War-style division of the world into spheres of influence for world powers.  

Ukrajinský prezident Volodymyr Zelenskyj. | foto: NATO Photos

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Jakub Wisniewski / NATO accession would not be a way for the West to help Ukraine. In: New Europe, 16. 4. 2021.


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Jakub Wisniewski
New Europe (Belgium)