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Ukraine’s shift to a new NATO arsenal is unprecedented and inevitable

Vydáno 19.04.2022
Craig Hooper, Forbes (USA)
Defending your country is hard enough. Managing to defend yourself while shifting from Russian-derived heavy weaponry to an unfamiliar arsenal of Western howitzers, armored vehicles, and NATO-standard ammunition is even harder. To survive, everything from training to supply chains must change—and all while under combat. That is the task ahead for Ukraine. And it hasn’t been done before.  

Zničený ruský tank T-72 v Makarivu poblíž Kyjeva | foto: @UAWeapons

Celý článek je dostupný na:

Craig Hooper / Ukraine’s Shift To A New NATO Arsenal Is Unprecedented - And Inevitable. In: Forbes, 18. 4. 2022.


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Craig Hooper
Forbes (USA)