Prioritize NATO’s core task: collective defense

29. listopadu 2021  11:02
Hans Binnendijk and Julian Lindley-French, Defense News (USA)
The NATO Parliamentary Assembly meets next week in Washington to discuss the alliance’s redraft of its 2010 Strategic Concept, and the agenda is loaded with relatively new missions. Protecting against cyber attacks, hybrid warfare, the Chinese challenge, terrorism, and global warming indeed all need to be part of NATO’s expanding mission. But traditional collective defense remains the top priority, and that needs to be reflected in the new Strategic Concept, which will be drafted next year.  

Sídlo Severoatlantické aliance v Bruselu | foto: NATO Photos

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Hans Binnendijk and Julian Lindley-French / Prioritize NATO’s core task: collective defense. In: Defense News, 23. 11. 2021.


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Hans Binnendijk and Julian Lindley-French
Defense News (USA)
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